
Kajakk Kurs – coaching og turer på alle nivåer!

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Grunnkurs Hav

På dette kurset lærer du alt du trenger å vite for og padle trygt på egenhånd i rolige farvann. Vi vil tilbringe to hele dager på å utforske fjordene og lære det grunnleggende om trygg havkajakkpadling, forskjellige padletak, ulike måter å styre kajakken din, og hvordan redde deg selv og din padlevenn.

Når du har fullført dette kurset vil du motta et “våtkort” (sertifisering fra Norges Padleforbund), som lar deg leie kajakkutstyr i hele Norge, følge flere kurs og delta i kajakklubbaktiviteter.

— lære mer —

teknikkurs hav
Målet med dette kurset er å forbedre dine tekniske kajakkferdigheter, risiko- og sikkerhetsferdigheter og forberede deg på kajakk under 3 * forhold. Vi vil videreutvikle noen av teknikkene og redningene du lærte under Grunnkurs Havkajakk, lære mer effektive metoder for å kontrollere og snu kajakken din, lære mer avanserte redninger og jobbe med dine sikkerhets- og navigasjonsferdigheter.

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kajakk Surf basics

Vil du lære hvordan du surfer med en havkajakk? 

På dette 6 timers kurset dekker vi alt det grunnleggende du trenger å vite før du kan leke trygt i surfesonen slik at du kan ri på de spennende bølgene!

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kajakk surfer paddling in front of a wave in Lofoten Norway
privat coaching

Du vil lære å padle havkajakk, eller forbedre teknikkene og kunnskapene du allerede har. Med en mer personlig tilnærming for å optimalisere læringsprogresjonen din vil du få større utbytte enn et vanlig kurs. 

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eskimoroll sea kayak
Eskimorulle kurs

Har du alltid ønsket å mestre Eskimo-rullen og ta kajakkferdighetene dine til et høyere nivå?

I løpet av 2 x 3 timers kveldsøkter vil vi jobbe med å lære og perfeksjonere Eskimo-rullen, fra øvelser på land til en effektiv rulle i vann. 

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group kajakk lofoten norway
Rockhopping workshop

Mer info kommer snart

kayaker surfing in Senja in Norway during teknikkurs havkajakk

Always been wanting to take your kayak skills to the next level, feel more safe and confident out on a kayak trip, or explore rockhopping and learn how to surf your kayak?

This is your chance to improve your kayak skills while spending an incedibly adventurous week on Senja, the fairytale island!

sea kayak portugal sagres course

Always been dreaming of kayaking independent in crystal blue waters, along a rugged shoreline with beautiful sand beaches?

This is your chance to learn all necesarry kayak skills while spending an incedibly adventurous week around Sagres and the Algarve, the most south-western point of Europe

portugal advanced sea kayak camp

Always been wanting to take your kayak skills to the next level, feel more safe and confident out on a kayak trip, or explore rockhopping and learn how to surf your kayak? 

This is your chance to learn all necesarry kayak skills while spending an incedibly adventurous week around Sagres and the Algarve, exploring the beautiful rugged coastline and hidden beaches of the most South-Westhern point of Europe.

advanced kayak expedition in lofoten Norway

Mer info kommer snart

kayak sky reflection sea senja

Mer info kommer snart

sea kayak portugal bengali caves beach

Mer info kommer snart

Vanlige spørsmål

Kan vi starte aktiviteten på et annet tidspunkt?

Vi er, for det meste, fleksible når det gjelder start- eller sluttider. Så ikke nøl med å kontakte oss for personlige ønsker.

Vilkår og betingelser


Every client must take care of his/her own travel- and accident insurance. Please make sure that your insurance covers also possible rescue from wilderness regions above the arctic circle.

Booking and payment

Once  you have made a booking with us, you confirm this by paying a deposit of 50% of the full tour/course price . The deposit invoice is sent by e-mail and need to be paid within 14 days. The remaining amount is due 30 days before the start of your tour/course, a separate  invoice is sent for that by e-mail. If your booking is made less than 30 days before the start date of your tour/course, you need to place your full payment within seven days after your booking. The right to participate to the tour/course is formed after the payment has been paid in a whole. On one day tours the full payment invoice is send immediately after booking and booking is confirmed with us by paying the invoice.

Cancellation terms

All cancellations should be made in written and sent by e-mail to : tim  (at) havkajakkurs.no

Following charges will apply:

  • More than 30 days before the start day of the tour/course=loss of deposit
  • 30-15 days before the start of the tour/course=75% of total sum of tour/course
  • Less than 15 days before the start of the tour/course=100% of total sum of tour/course
  • Exceptions are if True North Adventures cancels the tour/course 

True North Adventures is not responsible for the consequences of any delays, expenses incurred or alterations caused by illness, weather, war, terrorism, political events, civil strike, natural disaster, technical difficulties or any event beyond our control.

If a tour/course does not have the sufficient amount of participants 14 days before the start date, True North Adventures has the right to cancel the tour/course. You can find the minimum amount of participants on the specific tour/course information page. If a tour/course is likely to be cancelled under such circumstances mentioned above you will be informed as soon as possible. If a tour/course is cancelled under such circumstances mentioned above you are entitled to a full refund of any payments made to True North Adventures.

If True North Adventures cancels your tour/course, True North Adventures will not be liable for any third party expenses which you may have incurred as a result of your booking.


  • Personal items remain always in responsibility of the customer. True North Adventures does not accept responsibility for any loss of personal belongings or valuables.

  • Responsibility must be accepted for any equipment loaned from True North Adventures to customers, and one must agree to pay for any loss or damage caused to this equipment while in your care.

  • The customer must follow the regulations and guidelines given by True North Adventures. Customer must always comply the decisions made by the guide.

  • True North Adventures takes all the safety measurements to make every tour safe. However, customers must understand the possible dangers and hazards associated with this kind of travel. All participants choose to take part on the tour at their own risk. 

  • If a customer has any disabilities, illnesses or allergies, this must be informed to True North Adventures by the time of booking. All information given will be handled confidentially.

  • Any complaints that should arise, must be immediately brought up with the guide. Written complaints should be sent to True North Adventures no later than two weeks after the tour has ended.

Aktiviteten vi ønsker å gjøre er minimum 3 personer, vi er bare to, er det mulig?

Hvis du ikke er med det minste antallet personer vi trenger for å gjennomføre en aktivitet, kan du kontakte oss for en privat avtale.

Hvordan tar jeg direkte kontakt?

Kontakt oss gjerne for spørsmål eller ønsker på:


+47 46298031

Er prisene per person eller per gruppe?

For de fleste aktiviteter har vi en pris per person, men hvis du er en større gruppe, eller bare ønsker en privat opplevelse, ikke nøl med å kontakte oss for flere individuelle pakketilbud.